SEASIDE Institute™ Speaker Series presents Ray Gindroz


September 5th, the SEASIDE Institute™ presents their Speaker Series kickoff.


On the evening of September 5th, the SEASIDE Institute™ presents their Speaker Series, an event bringing together notable speakers and authors to engage in fruitful conversations with the public. Kicking off the series is Ray Gindroz a distinguished architect and advocate for new urbanism. 

Gindroz's appearance promises an insightful exploration into his latest compilation of sketches found in the pages of his latest book, Taking a Pen for a Walk. The book is not only a diary of sketches, but a profound exploration of urban environments, offering a fresh perspective of familiar places while inviting readers to see cities and towns through the lens of the artist's eye. For Gindroz, the publication of this book fulfills a long held desire to see his sketches from many years compiled into one single volume, offering readers a glimpse into his exploration of spaces and places around the globe. The forward was written by SEASIDE® Town Co-Founder, Robert Davis.

5:00PM (CST) Book Talk / Seaside Assembly Hall
6:15PM (CST) Book Signing / Sundog Books Front Porch
7:00PM (CST) Reception/ 87 Central [Co-Presented by VIE® Magazine]

Tickets: $30.00 non-members of the SEASIDE Institute™ and FREE for SEASIDE Institute™ members and SEASIDE® Homeowners.
All book sales will be sold through Sundog Books.
Credit hours will be available through AIA Northwest Florida for this event. AIA CES Course Ray Gindroz—New Urbanism (NW9524RG) for AIA Florida Northwest (A303) has been approved; this course may be offered for AIA continuing education credits.