Walton County Mobility Plan
Public Session
September 13, 2019
4:30 PM 6:00 PM
The September 13, 2019 event will review the options of a multi-modal transportation system, targeted road improvements and connectivity between communities that encourage a safe and interconnected system of lanes, paths and technology. The final plan will also serve as a basis to address transportation funding sources and parking for projects identified within the mobility plan. County officials, as well as Nue Urban Concepts Consulting Firm who is collaborating with the County, will discuss the plan, the data behind it and address your questions.
The County Mobility Plan is:
The Big Vision for county transportation
The County Plan will take us to 2040
Innovative options
Its about ordering traffic (Golf Carts, Autos etc)
Are we moving cars or people?
The September 13th meeting is not about the Proposed Connector Between 98 and 30A
This event is Open to the Public, however, due to Limited Seating - REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.